We develop and manufacture cleaning products for industries and homes

Welcome to Box Clean

Somos una empresa peruana dedicada al desarrollo y fabricación de productos sanitarios biodegradables de alta calidad, con precios competitivos para industrias y hogares, con los cuales llegamos a los principales autoservicios del país y extranjero. Nuestro compromiso se refleja en las marcas a las que atendemos actualmente.

brands we make up
products we pack
liters of product

Are you considering putting together a new project?

Maquila process

Communication with the customer

We approach the client and offer him our commercial proposal for the development of the maquila.

Project development

We develop the formulation according to the client's requirements and standards.


We supply the stock so as not to have empty spaces or times.


We import the inputs that will be used in the development of new products.

Product elaboration

We make the product, package it, label it and store it in specialized environments.


Within the contract, it is established to which location or locations the distribution of the new product will take place.


At Box Clean we develop maquilas for our clients

Manufactured products

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